Sunday, January 25, 2015

Liebster Award

The perks of running a blog are at an unimaginable number by now, and one major perk in particular is interaction with other bloggers. I want to thank the lovely UK beauty and lifestyle blogger Little Bones for nominating me for my first ever Liebster award!

For those who are a bit fuzzy on what this Liebster award is, I'll try my best to explain. Essentially, this is a way to help readers discover new blogs, and for myself to answer questions created by the blogger who nominated me. Here are the rules:

1. Thank and link the blogger that nominated you!
2. Answer the questions your nominator has asked you
3. Nominate 11 new bloggers who have less than 200 followers, and be sure to link them!
4. Now it's your turn to come up with 11 new questions for the bloggers you've nominated
5. Notify everyone you've nominated via social media/blogs

This being said, it's time for me to answer the questions I've been given! Hopefully this will help you get to know me a bit better. Here we go...

1. Tea or coffee?
Oh my goodness. I've actually been asked this question many times before and as usual, I don't have an answer. Asking me to chose between tea or coffee is like asking me to choose between my parents. I just can't. I love both of them so much, but for completely different reasons. Some mornings I literally feel like I will die without a cup (or five) of coffee, but other days I'm strictly a tea drinker.

2. What is your favorite accessory? 
I'm an accessory junkie. so this is another tricky question! I'd have to say that my absolute favorite accessory that I've ever owned is my gold cross necklace. I'm quite religious so I never take it off. I feel naked without it and I cherish it, so I'd say that it's my favorite!

3. What is your number one perfume?
I'm absolutely obsessed with the eternally classic Chanel No. 5. It smells so elegant and fresh.

4. Who are your favorite YouTubers/Bloggers?
As of right now my favorite Youtuber is Jenn a.k.a. jennxpenn. Her content is so varied and I love every single one of her videos. I have so many favorite bloggers, I find everyone's content to be so passionate and varied, so it's hard to narrow it down to my absolute favorite. Some blogs that I've loved for a while now are Holly Cassell's at The Persephone Complex  and Katie's at Scarphelia. They both have an amazing knack for writing.

5. What are five songs that make you happy?
Sex - The 1975
Midnight Kiss - The Propellers
Gold Rays - Vinyl Pinups
Beware the Dog - The Griswolds
Naive - The Kooks

6. Thunder storm or sunshine?
Thunder storms. I love the sound of rain and thunder, and lightening intrigues me!

7. Who is your ultimate woman crush and man crush?
This one's easy. My ultimate woman crush is Emma Watson - she is beautiful, educated, classy, and has a good head on her shoulders. Plus I love her fashion sense! My ultimate man crush is David Beckham, he is so sexy and a great athlete. He also seems like a great father, swoon!

8. What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
I think that I'd find a weapon and go fight for my life. I can't imagine myself hiding in fear. If I spent my time hiding and flinching at every noise and shadow, I wouldn't see the point of staying alive. I'd rather fight for a safe existence rather than spend my days being paranoid that a zombie will find me.

9. What is your favorite pastime?
Blogging, of course! I love to write and I love to experience what life has to offer, so blogging is the ultimate pastime. Other than that, I like to immerse myself in a good book or binge-watch One Tree Hill on Netflix.

10. Would you rather have no hands or no feet?
I really like having opposable thumbs, so no feet. Sorry, toes!

11. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
I think that I wold like to have super speed, so that I would never be late again! (Yes, I have a little issue of running late everywhere I go.)

So there you have it! Now you know a little bit more about me. Thank you so much again to The Little Bones for nominating me, this was so much fun!

Now, here are the eleven bloggers that I'm nominating!
The Lone Panda
Danielle from Dot About Town
SBTee from Spiked Black Tee
Vikki Louise from Pieces of Beauty
Karisa from Hey I'm Karissa
Olivia from Liv Laugh & Love Leopard
Heather from Mama Pains
Migle from Meet me on the Balcony

And your questions are:
1.What is your dream vacation spot?
2. What is your favorite food and drink?
3. If you could only watch one TV series on Netflix, what would it be?
4. What is your favorite book of all time?
5. When and why did you start your blog?
6. What is your favorite place to shop?
7. What is your favorite makeup product?
8. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
9. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
10. If this was your last day on Earth, what would you do?
11. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you'd buy/do?



  1. love your blog, congrats!

  2. Congratulations for your Liebster Award!


  3. I remember a time when I was obsessed with One Tree Hill. During summer holidays, I'd watch it all day. I watched 8 seasons in two months but I still haven't watched season 9. Haha!
    Girl in a Whimsical Land

  4. love your blog! It looks very interesting and i am looking forward to all your future posts! Great post,it is always nice to get to know abit about the girl behind the blog! xx
